Saturday, 24 April 2010

A Series Of Unfortunate Events

Before I review this week's action, I thought we'd talk a little about the "backstage going's on" we've seen.

First things first, the sad news that SHIMMER's LuFisto has suffered a stroke. The world of women's wrestling was in shock when the news broke, as she's only 30, but the good news is she's on the road to recovery, so I send my best wishes to her.

Then news broke of both Daffney and Angelina Love suffering injuries at the recent iMPACT! tapings. Daffney suffered a nasty stinger and a bruised sternum, and Angelina a partial bicep tear and a complete ulnar collateral ligament tear, which is going to keep her out for a few weeks. Daffney's injury has to have been pretty scary, and from the reports online of her account of it, I can sympathise completely. Best wishes to both women on a speedy recovery.

And then just when you think this week can't get any worse, news broke of WWE releasing both Mickie James and Katie Lea Burchill. Now, many people went "WTF?!" on Mickie, and "not surprised" on Katie, and I agreed with them on Mickie until I read reports of her being constantly late to the bus for the European tour, and how it was a "straw that broke the camel's back". My take on it is that's the "public reason" why she got fired. Mickie has been working on her country music career and NONE of it has been done through WWE channels, and it would not surprise me in the slightest if Vince said "Y'know what, fuck you" and fired her for it. Katie getting the can has pleased me, not because I hate her, but because while she was in WWE she was the most WASTED female talent on their roster besides Jillian Hall. Nikita (her original ring name) is one of the best, if not the best, female wrestlers to come out of the UK and her being stuck in the odd match on Superstars was a damn crime.

Here's hoping Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff see fit to pick them up.

Now, on to the action.

TNA Lockdown

I was quite interested in this match, because I foretold what was coming. Everything was teasing to a Tara heel turn, and low and behold, we got one. Lisa Marie Varon plays a psycho character so so well and I'm actually hoping that TNA run a DECENT storyline with this one, because it could be gold.

Other than that, the match gimmick was a little ... strange but I can see why it happened. The outcome was a shock. Madison Rayne is the new Knockout Champion and if The Beautiful People were coming out with the win, everyone was expecting it to be Velvet who won, but then I'm pleased Madison won. She's the most competent of the 3 girls and she's been jobbed out so many times since she joined TNA that to see her get the title is pleasing to say the least.

I don't feel there was anything particularly wrong with this match, per say, but I just feel it could have been better, but not from an action point of view. It didn't need the title gimmick, at all. The beef between TPB and Angelina, and TPB and Tara was enough to carry it through.


We didn't get ay diva action on RAW due to the silly Icelandic Volcano, but we did get treated to a one night only return for Lillian Garcia! How I mark for that woman's announcing.


I will say this now: the prospect of McCool vs Pheonix has me chomping at the bit. I REALLY want to see this feud and have done for some time, so the fact we're now getting it has me giddy as a school girl.

Anyways, Beth/Mickie vs. Layla/Michelle. Mickie's last match *sad panda*. It was good, best action I've seen all week as far as I'm concerned. It had storytelling, it had solid action and everyone was involved. Layla has shown so much improvement in her skills recently that I'm quite impressed. The fact Mickie took the pinfall, foreshadowing much?

It's interesting to see that WWE are letting their women go hardcore with the extreme rules match. We've not really seen that since Trish/Victoria back in the day and I'm incredibly excited to see what they come out with.


Ugh where do I start? The match had so much potential, so so much potential and TNA managed to shit all over it. The teaming of Daffney and ODB had potential and this COULD have been a solid match up action wise. First fuck up was putting Lacey in the ring. Yes, she's hot, but damn she cannot wrestle. Second was it wasn't long enough, it could have gone another couple of minutes and brought us some seriously solid wrestling, but alas, we're obviously not smart enough to want that, are we Mr Bischoff?

Not to mention, we see a heel turn from Tara over Angelina and the angle isn't even mentioned?

I'd like to know which one of TPB is lip servicing Hogan or Eric, I really would.

So as you can see, it's been a weird week in wrestling for the ladies. But all in all, not that bad.

Bring on Extreme Rules.

But for now, I'm off to straighten my hair and enjoy this weather.

Stay safe x

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